Sunday, November 20, 2011


Since I've recently discovered Charles Bronson "Englands most infamous inmate", I've decided to do a little research on him. Due to some recent events in my life I've decided I decided I need a little bit of a change as well. So I figured this would be an ok start, phsyical fitness. I've heard that getting in better shape can make one look at life in different aspects, so it seems logical to give it a try. Now, Charles Bronson AKA Michael Gordon Peterson is a man whose spent most of his life in prison, in solitary confinement. However he is in great shape and from what I've read about him, hes a "fitness guru". So when his book, Solitary Fitness, arrives I will be documenting either daily or weekly my progress, we'll see how it goes. Obviously nothing changes over night, but i need some kind of change in my life and my body is the one thing I have the most control over. That all being said, wish me luck and lets hope this kicks ass, cause I need it!