Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 1 week 1

Wow! I feel like what I'm doing for day one is common sense. I already knew everything that's being gone over(although I'm sure that's not the case for everyone ). Now don't take that the wrong way at all, I'm very glad I got this book. Bronson is giving me what I needed, I had the material and Charlie gave me the tools! I needed a loose structure and Solitary Fitness gives you exactly that, without taking away your freedom to personalize it for your paticular needs. He makes it very clear that your not going to look like Ahhhnold infact he shows his distaste for him and what he calls arnies, or gymrats. However he makes a good point, the human bodie is like a machine so you've got to take care of it or it will break. So all that being said I've still got more to do today so I've got to get back to it. Also here are the pics I mentioned yesterday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finally, From Across the Pond

So I've patiently waited for about two weeks, and it finally arrived. I was feeling like a kid at Christmas tearing into to mailing package. There it was finally from across the pond. I was pretty anxious to see what it was all about so I cracked it open, even though I got home pretty late last night. What I found was motivation, the very first part of the book is about people who have used it and changed their lives. Very clever Bronson. So tonight, as its already what kinda of late, I'm going to read a little more do what excercises I've been doing to prep and post pics of what I'm starting with(so it can be compared in a month or so). So here's everything approximately:

I'm 5'9", I don't think that'll change
Arms: 11 1/4"
Waist: 30"
Calves: 13 1/2
Neck: 14 1/4"
Chest: 35 3/4"
Weight: 135lbs

If you can't tell I'm a pretty small guy.
P.s. I wrote this last night but didn't post it cause I didn't have my weight! So ill be updating soon!!!